The Southeast Region of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion will hold its annual meeting on Friday, March 4, 2016 on the Mercer University Atlanta campus (3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30341) in the Atlanta Trustees Dining Room in the Pharmacy Administration and Cafeteria Building. The meeting program follows:
National Association of Baptist Professors of
Religion, Southeast
Southeast Regional Meeting
March 4, 2016
McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia
8:30-9:00 Registration and Refreshments
(Atlanta Trustees Dining Room, Pharmacy Administration Building)
9:00-9:15 Opening Session (Atlanta Trustees
Dining Room, Pharmacy Administration Building)
Welcome from
the President—Steve Harmon (Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity)
Welcome from the
Host—Graham Walker (McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University)
Announcement of
Program—Steve Harmon (Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity)
9:15-10:00 Presidential Address:
“What Have Baptist Professors of Religion to Do with Magisterium?”
Steve Harmon (Gardner-Webb
University School of Divinity)
10:00-10:15 Responses from Membership
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Open forum discussion: Being Baptist
Professors of Religion—Challenges and Opportunities
11:30-12:00 Business Meeting
SECSOR meeting—Raleigh, North Carolina
of undergraduate students?
of officers
Miscellaneous business
12:00 Adjournment for Lunch